Gallery Facade.
Desplazamiento. 2014. 75 x 53 x 33 cm. Solid aluminum structure and two rhombus in cast and painted aluminum.
Lazos de sangre (Reconstrucción). 2014. 81,5 x 31,5 cm each. 7 woodcuts. 350 gr. Hahnemühle paper.
Lazos de sangre (Recontrucción. 2014. 81,5 x 31,5 cm. woodcuts. 350 gr. Hahnemühle paper.
Impostura. 2014. 173 x 230 x 170 cm. Cloth, chains and metal bar.
Exhibition view.
Perseverancia. 2014. 625 x 60 x 28 cm. Fabric, metal and leather boots.
Exhibition view.
Trayectoria (Like gold and faceted 2). 2014. 99x 66 x 20 cm. Aluminum and stainless steel bar.
Trayectoria (Like gold and faceted 1). 2014. 99x 66 x 20 cm. Aluminum and stainless steel bar.
Exhibition view.
Trayectoria (Like gold and faceted 4). 2014. 119 x 95 x 15 cm. Aluminum and stainless steel bar.
Trayectoria (Like gold and faceted 3). 2014. 99 x 63 x 16 cm. Aluminum and stainless steel bar.
Trayectoria (Like gold and faceted ). 2014. Variable measures. 4 Aluminum and stainless steel bar.
Trayectoria (Like gold and faceted 3). 2014. Variable measures. 4 Aluminum and stainless steel bar.
Trayectoria (Like gold and faceted 3). 2014. Variable measures. 4 Aluminum and stainless steel bar.
Ana Laura Aláez
Imposture 2014