Basurama is a collective dedicated to both creation and curation, together with cultural research and production which has, since 2001, been focusing its performance and study area in productive processes, the generation of residues they entail and the creative possibilities this contemporary situation arouses. Although it was born in the Madrid Architecture School, it has been evolving and finding new shapes to adapt to since its very beginning. Basurama intends studying inherent phenomena of massive production of real and virtual trash in the consumer society, putting up new visions that can act as generators of new thinking and attitudes. Basurama proposes ways of life, knowledge, leisure and urban management based upon the cracks found within that generation and consumption processes that raise questions not only about of ways of exploiting our resources, but also about of way of conceiving, working and perceiving reality.
Basurama has proposed itself to find waste where it wouldn’t be so obvious to find them and study the garbage in all his forms. Always starting from the crossroads of collective creation, curation, promotion, production and management and public art, it becomes a multidisciplinary platform in which different activities take place, including all kinds of workshops, lectures, concerts, screenings, competitions and publications. It also aims to establish a platform to connect and work together people who develop their social work in very different places. Founded in Madrid, since 2001 it has created more than 120 projects in 40 countries around the world.